Podcast Hosting Software
Publish, measure, and grow your podcast on YouTube, Apple, Spotify
One-Click Publish
RSS feed
Upload unlimited episodes
Get unlimited downloads
Go live across all podcast listening apps in a single click
Podcast analytics
Daily downloads
Total downloads
Top episodes
Where are people listening
Detailed embed player stats
Embed Player
Simple, beautiful audio playback
Copy/paste to your blog or website
See detailed analytics including playback time, when people skipped, and more
Podcast Microsite
Automatically generated site
Automatically updates
Lists all episodes
Customize to match brand colors
Links to subscribe on all major platforms
Publish everywhere
YouTube (with static image)
Apple Podcasts
Amazon Music
iHeart Radio
And more...
Podcasts powered by Resonate Hosting
Business Podcasts
Personal Brand Podcasts
Nonprofits & Church Podcasts
University Podcasts

We have worked with the Resonate team for over 2 years, using their audio production and hosting… The Resonate team has continually been professional: producing top notch episodes that are crisp and clear. Their platform is easy to use and whenever we have questions, the team is prompt to respond and support!
Alli Ball, Founder & CEO, Food Biz Wiz
How it works
Choose your plan
Pick one of our three hosting plans based on your show’s specific needs. If you’re starting out, the basic plan is a great option.
Setup your account
Upload your art, show title and description, metadata, and first episode. Then submit it to directories or buy a launch package for help.
Publish new episodes
Upload an episode to Resonate and publish it to all directories in a single click. Get your show on Apple, Spotify, YouTube, Amazon Music and Audible, iHeart Radio, and more.
Grow your audience
Reach new listeners, engage them with amazing content, and watch your podcast audience grow as you post new episodes.
The right price for any size audience
Basic Hosting
$25 / month
Get an rss feed, analytics, and the embed player
Unlimited Episodes
Unlimited Downloads
Unlimited Show Users
Analytics Dashboard
Detailed Embed Player Analytics
Embed Player
Live Chat Support
Premium Hosting
$50 / month
Get all the basics, plus a podcast website and dynamic ads.
Unlimited Episodes
Unlimited Downloads
Unlimited Show Users
Analytics Dashboard
Detailed Embed Player Analytics
Embed Player
Live Chat Support
Podcast microsite
Dynamic ad insertion
Professional Hosting
Contact Us
Get a private and unique rss feed for each user.
Everything in Premium plus...
Embed player branding removed
Live chat, slack, and phone support
Premium Podcast Microsite Themes
Private Slack Channel with Resonate Team
Private Hosting

Resonate is a fabulous partner who provides excellent results at a great value.
Rachel Jacovino, Host of LIVE KIDFREE
Get Started for Free
Ready to publish your podcast on Apple, Spotify, Amazon, and more?
Start a 14-day free trial or book a call to learn more.
Podcast hosting FAQs
Similar to website hosting, a podcast hosting platform is a software company that hosts the audio files of your podcast on a server, generates an RSS feed that points directories to those files, and allows you to easily publish your show across all podcast directories like Apple, Spotify, YouTube, Amazon Music, iHeart Radio, and many others.
An RSS feed is an XML file that is stored on a server, which podcast listening apps use to automatically update their directory with new episodes. The RSS feed includes the titles, episodes, links to the audio files which are hosted on a server that the podcast hosting platform owns, and additional metadata like categories and show email, in a machine-readable format.
Here are a few example of RSS feeds from popular shows:
There are dozens of podcast hosting platforms to choose from. To learn more, read Resonate’s in-depth blog on the best podcast hosting platforms.
Want to do all your podcast production and hosting in one place? Start a free 14-day trial of Resonate hosting by clicking the link above on this page!
A podcast microsite is exactly what it sounds like: A mini website for your podcast that is automatically generated by your podcast hosting platform. Resonate’s microsites automatically update whenever you post new episodes, are customized to show your cover art and description, and include links to help listeners find your podcast on all the major listening apps. For example, here’s the podcast microsite for the podcast Be You with BU.
Resonate hosting offers a beautiful, high-level perspective on your podcast’s performance. With Resonate, you can see analytics in the same app you use to manage your podcast production.
You’ll see:
- Daily Downloads
- Total downloads
- Top Episodes (by Total Downloads)
- Podcast player (where your audience is listening)
- % played in embed player
- Detailed embed player engagement
To learn more, read this in-depth guide to Resonate hosting analytics.
Here’s an example of Resonate’s podcast embed player below:
A podcast embed player is, like it sounds, and audio player that you can embed onto your podcast website. There are two main types of embed players: Episodes embeds and Podcast embeds. Episode embeds only display and play back the audio for a single episode. Podcast embeds show all your episodes, and let listeners choose any of them to play back.
The Resonate player lets you embed audio directly into your podcast’s blog episode page on your website, along with your show notes, transcriptions, and any other custom content you create. Then, as listeners read about the episode they can play the audio as well. The benefit for you is that you’ll get highly detailed analytics within the Resonate app like how much they listened to, where they skipped back or forward, and more!
Short answer: as many apps as you want!
Resonate hosting gives you an RSS feed that stores all the data for your podcast. You can submit that RSS feed to as many podcast directories as you like. You just have to submit it once, and after it’s approved any future episodes will go live from Resonate to all platforms that have your RSS feed in their system.
We recommend submitting your podcast to:
- Apple Podcasts
- Spotify
- YouTube
- Amazon Music & Audible
- iHeart Radio
If you want to go even further, you could submit it to all the apps listed in the complete podcast directory list on our blog.