Resonate Recordings

Everything you need to start a podcast​

Launch a podcast

Plan, create, setup & launch

Get hands-on support from equipment recommendations to effective marketing concepts. Our team of technical, creative, and branding experts will ensure your podcast has a powerful and impactful launch.

Couple recording a podcast

Launch services


Get a video onboarding call with a Resonate Client Success Manager. Whenever you purchase a launch package you are also paying for a white-glove onboarding experience. Learn our production process, get a customized tour of the Resonate web app, and begin the process of crafting your podcast art, music, and show as a whole. If you love your experience working with Client Success Managers, you can upgrade to Enterprise Services at any time to get a Dedicated CSM, priority turnaround times, and more.

Podcast Directory Setup

Our Hosting & RSS Feed Setup service takes the guesswork out of what it takes to get your podcast distributed and live. Our team will set up your podcast hosting and submit your show to listening directories like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Audible, and iHeart Radio to ensure your podcast is accessible in a seamless and streamlined manner. Additional directory submissions cost $50 per directory. 

Podcast Music

Podcast bumper music is a crucial element of your podcast and will have dramatic impact on the overall success of your podcast. Truth be told you have just a few seconds to engage your listeners and make them a dedicated follower, not just a lost opportunity. Let our team of musicians and creative experts help you identify and find a music selection that is consistent with the tone and feel of your podcast and that will draw listeners in, not drive them away.

Podcast Music

When you purchase our basic podcast intro/outro music, we work with you to choose a song that best fits your podcast from our library of music, and extend a license to you as long as you are using our services.

Custom Podcast Music

Get a custom song produced for the intro and outro of your podcast, licensed exclusively to you for life. 

Podcast Artwork

First impressions matter. Even well-recorded and powerful podcasts can be overlooked simply due to poor and ineffective artwork design. Podcasts are always judged by the thumbnail art they stand behind. If you’re looking to make a lasting impression, let our team of creatives and designers help you develop a bold and impactful design that is consistent with your overall vision and branding and makes sure people will stop and click.

Podcast Artwork

Work with our team to create a simple and professional cover for your podcast from a set of pre-made template ideas.

Custom Podcast Artwork

Work with our team to create a custom cover for your podcast completely from scratch, including custom illustrations.

Audio Trailer Episode

Nothing will be more effective for building up the anticipation and momentum than crafting a stunning trailer episode. A trailer acts as a commercial for your podcast and incorporates sound design and music elements with your voiceover recordings to help ensure it’s engaging and leaves the listener in suspense. Reach out to the Resonate team to learn more about developing a trailer episode for your podcast.

Video Trailer Episode

A video trailer episode is even more powerful and effective in raising awareness of your show. Video trailer episodes are easy to share across social media and YouTube, and are highly effective when embedded on email newsletters and website landing pages.

Ready to launch your podcast?


Make your podcast sound polished and professional. Incorporate a professional voiceover artist into your podcast intro, ads, or even in the story and dialogue of your podcast if you’re doing a narrative podcast.

Equipment and Recording Consulting

Get recommendations for your podcast recording setup from a professional Audio Engineer. Learn the best equipment, software, and recording techniques to make sure you record a high-quality podcast. We believe that good audio quality starts at the source. Make sure you’re recording with the right gear, in the right space, in the right way to maximize the quality of your podcast sound. 

Creative Consulting

Set the tone, prepare for launch, and craft a crisp brand identity for your podcast. Creative Consulting gives you access to work with a Podcast Producer to choose the music for your podcast, script a trailer episode to launch big, and craft your first episode together. The goal of Creative Consulting is to give you everything you need to launch with confidence, a clear brand identity for your show, and to acclimate you to the podcast production process.

Podcast Website

Having an online presence for your podcast is absolutely critical to its overall success and health. Many people take to a search engine when looking for podcasts before they even open the listening directories. Let our team of designers help you identify the best style and look for a podcast website to ensure you have an online presence and a way of maximizing your SEO impact.



Ready to launch your podcast?

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Sign up for a 30-minute discovery call with us using the form below.