Resonate Recordings

Podcast Marketing Services

Grow your audience with podcast marketing


users are active on LinkedIn every single day.¹


users are active on Instagram every single month.²


views on YouTube shorts every single day

Podcast Marketing Services

Essential marketing content for every episode you publish

Basic Show Notes

Get a summary of your episode for your podcast description or site.
  • SEO-optimized episode summary

  • Relevant links

  • Up to 1 page of human-written copy

Advanced Show Notes

Get a more detailed summary of your episode for listeners to read.
  • SEO-optimized episode summary

  • Relevant links

  • 1-2 pages of human-written copy

  • Timestamped chapters

  • List of keywords


Get a 99% accurate transcript of your episode for your site and feed.
  • Get a transcription in one-click

  • 24 hr turnaround time

  • 99% accurate transcription

  • PDF and Docx formats


Get a 60 second audio clip of your podcast paired with a still image and a waveform animation.
  • Still image + dynamic waveform

  • 60-sec clip from your podcast

  • MP4 video optimized for socials

  • Choose the clip you want to use

  • Burnt-in captions (optional)


Get a 60 second clip of your podcast for social media, with burnt-in captions.
  • Requires video from podcast episode

  • 60-sec clip from your podcast

  • MP4 video optimized for socials

  • Choose the clip you want to use

  • Burnt-in captions

Social Cards

Get a beautiful custom quote card to share a snippet on social media.
  • High-res JPEG image

  • Engaging quotes are chosen for you by our team

  • Still image for posting on Instagram, LinkedIn, X/Twitter

Resonate Radiant Circle - Yellow

See podcast marketing examples

Social Card Examples

I can’t speak too highly of the service from Resonate. As our podcast, ‘The Intuitive Customer’, provides advice to organizations on how to improve their Customer experience it’s critical the experience our listeners have is good. I am pleased to say the feedback we get is that it’s great thanks to Resonate.

Colin Shaw, Host of The Intuitive Customer

Resonate Radiant Circles - Red (new)

How it works

Submit your files

Upload your audio and video files for the episode and leave a comment if you have suggestions for the marketing assets.

Get professional creative

After any audio or video production is done, you’ll get top-notch creative images, videos, and copywriting to share with your audience.

Review, Revise, and Approve

Get an email when your content is ready, then drop comments to make any final revisions or approve it.

Grow your audience

Publish your content on social media, your blog, or newsletter and grow your audience with consistent, high-quality content.

No matter your budget, we have you covered

À la carte

Best for flexibly scaling up and down based on your needs.
  • Budget option

  • What you need, when you need it

  • Chat support


Best for individuals and businesses creating consistently.
  • Everything you need to grow

  • Get in a rhythm

  • Dedicated support

  • Up to 4 social assets/ep

Custom Packages

Best for corporations and highly produced shows.
  • Build your perfect package

  • Collab with multiple departments

  • Dedicated support

We love working with the Resonate team! It’s been such a good experience!

Baptist Health Digital


Want to grow your podcast audience?

Book a free discovery call with a podcast specialist.

Podcast marketing FAQs

We’re actively exploring a new service to manage your podcast’s social media presence. If you’re interested in learning more, book a free call to discuss!

Show notes serve two key purposes: They provide a description for your episode on podcast listening apps, and they add context to your website. Show notes typically include a detailed description, key chapters with timestamps, and links to the relevant materials mentioned in your podcast. Show notes help listeners find resources, help them decide whether an episode is worth listening to, and help them navigate to different sections of your episode. They also help you grow your podcast by increasing how many people listen to your episodes, improving search engine optimization (SEO) on your website, and helping drive traffic to your website from your podcast.

Transcriptions are critical for making your podcast more accessible to all people, they can help people follow along with your show, and can be used to skim over your show in scenarios where people don’t have time or the ability to listen to the audio. They can help you boost your search engine optimization (SEO), add value to your website, and now, in 2024, more and more podcast apps like Apple, Spotify, and YouTube allow you to upload transcripts to the platform so listeners can read along as they listen too!

Videograms, also known as video clips, help you post short-form videos on TikTok, Instagram Reels, YouTube Shorts, and LinkedIn to help people discover your show, build brand awareness, and grow your audience on social media.

Audiograms offer the same benefits, though they are based on a still image background rather than a video background.

Social cards also offer similar benefits, though they perform better on social platforms that love static images, like X/Twitter and LinkedIn, where a thoughtful caption can accompany them.

Videograms, audiograms, and social cards are a powerful way to repurpose the content in your primary podcast episode and share it across platforms.

This is often used as “zero-click content,” as Amanda Navitad calls it, which cannot be directly tracked but, over time, adds up to dozens, hundreds, or thousands of people knowing about your podcast and going directly to your social accounts, your podcast, or your website.

Show notes should be published in an episode-specific blog post on your podcast website. Ideally, your website will have a blog where each episode is a “blog post”, with a podcast embed player, the show notes, and a transcription of the episode.

You can also share it in your email newsletter if you have one. If you don’t, we recommend starting one to build an email list for your podcast so you can reach your audience even more directly.

Transcripts should also be published in an episode-specific blog post on your podcast website. The transcript often goes at the end of the blog post since it’s very long and takes up a lot of space. You might even consider truncating it and adding a “read more” button to expand it.

Audiograms, videograms, and social cards are primarily meant to be shared on social media.

Audiograms: Post on Instagram Reels, TikTok, YouTube Shorts, LinkedIn, X/Twitter, etc.

Videograms: Post on Instagram Reels, TikTok, YouTube Shorts, LinkedIn, X/Twitter, etc.

Social Cards: Post on Instagram, LinkedIn, X/Twitter, Mastodon, etc.

Yes, you can! If you have an audio-only podcast you can still get a videogram, all you need to do is pull out your phone or hit record on your video in Zoom/Riverside, then send us the video recording for the entire episode or the section of your podcast where you want to use a clip. We’ll make your videogram based on this video, even if you don’t publish the full-length video episode anywhere else.

Audiograms and videograms are short-form video clips taken from a long-form podcast episode.

Audiograms pair a still image background with some sort of dynamic on-screen visual like a waveform moving, a caption with the active word highlighted, or a looping animation. It is delivered as an MP4 video file that is optimized for social media.

Videograms are a short video clip of the podcast episode where the hosts are talking, which is often accompanied with captions to highlight the active word or words. It is also delivered as an MP4 video file that is optimized for social media.

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